What makes a client-attracting website?

What makes a client-attracting website?

How many times have you been on a website and all it did was make your head hurt? I often find that websites are out of date or poorly designed by someone who does not understand lead generation. Getting clients through your website can be a real problem for entrepreneurs. #amIright?!? In order to attract your ideal clients, you need to position yourself as the expert, have client attractive...

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The #1 thing that helped me show up as the expert with confidence

When I was just starting my entrepreneurial journey, I vividly remember being scared and nervous about how I was going to make this work... I never dreamed of owning my own business but I jumped in feet first. ⠀ I felt overwhelmed and suffered from impostor syndrome big time!! I had no real idea what I was doing and found myself going in circles and never really standing out because I was trying...

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3 mindset shifts to attract your dream clients

We all start our businesses with high hopes of being successful. We dive in feet first and hope for the best... then we hear crickets. You know deep down that you can help your clients reach their goals but they just aren't running your way. You see other women out there killing it and you're over there wondering what the heck you're doing wrong... So, what separates those who struggle to...

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3 mistakes that stop you from bringing your vision to life

When I first started my business back in 2012, I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I wanted to work from home and not have to pay for child care. I knew what I was good at and how I could help but I wasn't clear on anything other than that. I just jumped in feet first and rolled with the punches... I didn’t know it at the time, but I was made a few big mistakes that could have...

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3 reasons why you hate marketing and how to fix it

You know that marketing your business is important but you just can't seem to gain the traction you're striving for or the results you really, really want... So, you've decided that you just downright just hate marketing. I’ve been there so I know how you feel... HERE ARE THREE REASONS WHY YOU HATE MARKETING: ❌ You're embarrassed. You don't love your website and aren't confident in how you...

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3 ways to create consistency with your brand

This blog piggybacks off of my previous blog where I talked about sabotaging your business by having an inconsistent brand. In this post, I am talking about creating consistency with your brand so you can achieve your goals. So, the only way to really make sure your brand sticks and that your audience remembers who you are and what you’re about is through consistency. Consistency is critical in...

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you design a business you love.

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This blueprint guides you through the essential steps to create a polished online presence that attracts clients and boosts conversions.