Being Authentic: Buzzword or Accurate Advice?

Being Authentic: Buzzword or Accurate Advice?

People want to hire and buy from those they know, like, and trust. That’s a universally held truth across the business world and the best way to earn the trust of your clients is to be authentic in how you present yourself. But what does it mean to be authentic? Other than being a commonly-used buzzword these last few years, being authentic means being your true self in both words and actions....

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4 Places Your Brand Identity Should Be Consistent

4 Places Your Brand Identity Should Be Consistent

Your brand identity is the image your business portrays to the world at large. When people look at your online presence, they should know what you do and that you bring value to the market. Your brand identity should be appealing to your target market and should be consistent in every printed piece you produce and across every online platform. Consistency is the key to success in any field. But,...

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3 Reasons Why I Love WordPress, And You Should Too

3 Reasons Why I Love WordPress, And You Should Too

There are a ton of options when it comes to building a website, so you’ve got to know what makes a great website and which platform will best meet your needs. One of the most important parts of building your online business is finding a website platform that you feel comfortable with and can easily manage. It is also important to consider factors like security, scalability and design options....

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Want to Do Your Own Branding? Understand the Color Wheel First

Branding your business is so much more than your colors and your logo but choosing colors to represent you and your company’s image is usually where more people start in the branding process. There’s no shame in choosing your own brand colors instead of hiring a designer but it’s not exactly simple. Let’s dive into an explanation of the color wheel and how it can help narrow down your color...

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Key Questions to Ask Your Designer

Finding the right designer to handle your business' branding, website, and any other smaller projects is extremely important but also daunting unless you know the right questions to ask. Even if a designer comes highly recommended by a business associate or peer, always go through the interview process because your needs may be very different from those who offered the recommendation. Certainly,...

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5 essential design principles for creating a strong brand identity

It is important to create a brand identity if you want your business to be successful. It's what helps people identify your business in the marketplace and distinguish it from competitors. A brand identity is the way in which people view your business and its products or services. This includes logos, colors, fonts, taglines - all of these things contribute to how people perceive your business....

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you design a business you love.

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This blueprint guides you through the essential steps to create a polished online presence that attracts clients and boosts conversions.