3 reasons why you hate marketing and how to fix it

You know that marketing your business is important but you just can’t seem to gain the traction you’re striving for or the results you really, really want… So, you’ve decided that you just downright just hate marketing.

I’ve been there so I know how you feel…


You’re embarrassed. You don’t love your website and aren’t confident in how you look online.

  • Your graphics aren’t as professional as you’d like and they don’t match the vision you are trying to bring to life. Because of this, you hold yourself back and don’t share your expertise with the world…

There’s a disconnect. Your branding and messaging aren’t aligned.

  • You’re not putting yourself out consistently there like you should be. Because of this, you’re getting inconsistent results in your business… 

You’re overwhelmed. You’re spending way too much time watching tutorials instead of focusing on what you are good at.

  • Instead of moving the needle forward in your business, you’re stuck trying to figure everything out on your own…


✅ Gain clarity on your vision and what makes you different. I want you to dig deep and think big…

  • What you value as a person, a business owner?
  • What really lights you up… what do you absolutely love to do?
  • How do you do what you love differently?

✅ Get to know your ideal client’s pain points. This is where I see a lot of my clients (and myself) get hung up…

  • Don’t focus on the unimportant details such as age or where they live unless it absolutely matters when it comes to your services.
  • Think about the emotions your ideal clients have and the transformation they are longing for.

✅ Outsource the tasks you don’t enjoy. You are not an expert in everything so hire a pro when needed…

  • Instead of spending hours trying to figure out your website or designing your logo or even creating professional looking graphics, if tech or design isn’t your forte, outsource it.
  • If you are struggling with strategy or mindset or whatever it is that is holding you back, find a mentor or hire a coach.

You’d be surprised how implementing just those few tips have made a world of difference for me & clients!!

Ready to create a business that lights you up, confidently share your expertise with the world and start attracting your dream clients??

If so, you won’t want to miss my ‘Stand Out Online with Confidence’ mini-course!!

During the mini-course, you will gain allll the clarity needed to create a cohesive online presence that establishes credibility, attracts the right clients and helps you stand out with confidence! Enroll today for only $27!!

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you design a business you love.

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