The Pros and Cons of Creating Your Website from Scratch

You are in business to make money, not to lose it or give it away. While this is essentially true of all businesses, certain tasks could be costing you more when not handled professionally. These tasks include everything from accounting to customer service to project management. Outsourcing specific tasks could be the best decision you make for your business - especially your website....

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How to Make Your Brand Memorable to Your Audience

Making anything memorable to a large audience can be difficult, especially when it comes to trying to brand yourself and your business. Not everybody is interested in the same thing, and not everybody will be interested in your business and what you have to say. The first thing you’ll need to do is come to terms with the fact that not everybody you’re targeting is going to become involved with...

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you design a business you love.

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This blueprint guides you through the essential steps to create a polished online presence that attracts clients and boosts conversions.