8 Ways to Increase Traffic & Gain More Clients

Where do your clients come from? Are they coming to you from your website or are they coming through social media? Do you have any clients coming to you at all?

One major way to get clients is through your website… But, just having a website isn’t going to do the trick!! People aren’t just going to randomly stumble across your website – you need to let them know you’ve got one…

FUN FACT: Did you know that businesses with websites make 2-5x more than those without? Consider the following facts about website visitors:

  • 3 in 4 consumers conduct research online before making a purchase.
  • 66% of consumers report that their buying decisions were influenced by the presence or absence of a mobile site.

There is no doubt that a website is a valuable tool for business owners!

  1. Having a website shows you are serious about your business.
  2. It gives your business more opportunities to get found on Google.
  3. It sets you up as the expert and builds credibility.

Now, if your website looks great, sounds great, and is easy to use to schedule and make purchases from, then your next focus should be driving traffic to it.


As you move on from the building and design phase of your site, the next piece you will want to focus on is bringing traffic to your new site. Simply having a website will not ensure you are top of the list for Google Searches.

Here is a checklist of a few things you can do to drive traffic to your website:
  • Install a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin on your website.
  • Have a blog and update it consistently.
  • Check with Google Adworks to make sure you are using the best keywords for your business/niche.
  • Use these keywords in your blog posts and in the content on the rest of your website.
  • Regularly share your website link and blog posts on social media.
  • Share your posts on Pinterest and make your blog posts pinnable on the platform.
  • Link your blog posts to previous posts to create backlinks.
  • Write guest posts for other businesses that share a similar audience and link them back to your website.

There is so much you can do to drive traffic to your website, but this list is a great place to get started.

Want more info on how you can gain more clients through your website? Check out my blog post, 5 Tips to Lock in Your Next Client.

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