5 Tips to Lock in Your Next Client from Your Website

Have you ever thought about what your potential clients gain from your website? 

Your website should offer a service, not just ‘lip service’! You’ll want to make sure that your website offers something of VALUE to a visitor. So, I’ve gathered five pointers that will help turn a passerby into someone who will stick around, after all, the goal is to turn potential clients into actual clients, right? Of course, it is! Let’s do this!

1. Create an irresistible offer!

You don’t have to put all your value front and center; you can also give the visitor the option to trade their email for a free resource (also known as a lead magnet or freebie) that can’t otherwise be accessed. This can be a good way to start a relationship with a lurker. Your offer can be a newsletter, a free online coaching video, a PDF, or almost anything else you can think of as long as it stands behind a wall where the key is contact information. Once that is given, use their information to slowly nurture your relationship and introduce them to your work.

2. Give the Visitors Scheduling Options!

Be accessible! Allowing someone to make an appointment right there on your website increases the likelihood they will make that appointment. People like to have options to schedule, reschedule, and cancel appointments at their convenience. One way to provide convenience is an online calendar that clients can use for scheduling without your involvement. Bonus, it’s one less step for you to have to negotiate!

3. Show Your Stuff!

Now is not the time to be humble. When someone checks out your website, you want it to be clear that you are an expert in your field, and that your services are, without a doubt, vital to their success. You can do this by having an e-book or other electronic resources to offer. Recording a brief video training will give visitors a chance to learn from you and to connect with your personality and learn more about what it would be like to work with you.

4. Make Spending $ Easy!

While it might take more effort on your part up front, consider having a buy now button or shopping cart available on your website. This will allow visitors to hire (and pay!) you immediately. Once they learn more about you, they won’t be able to resist pressing that “add to cart” button!

5. Create an FAQ!

Respond to the best questions from your ideal clients by creating a Frequently Asked Questions area on your website. Presumably, a lot of potential clients will have the same sorts of problems, so why not have a section that lists popular questions and answers?

This lets visitors to the website know that other people have had their problems and that you know how to address those issues. It can also put them at ease, if they can gain a little more clarity about what you do and how you do it, they’re more like to move through your funnel.

Nonetheless, make visiting your website a worthwhile experience for your clients! It is an extension of you and a representation of your business so they should feel familiar and comfortable with you and what you have to offer after visiting your website.

Take a moment and audit your website… if you don’t think your website is up to par or you don’t have one, reach out and let’s fix it!

With a Designer Day Intensive, we can transform your website into a client-attracting machine in as little as one day!!

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

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