7 Tips For Revamping your website

7 Tips For Revamping your website

Revamping (or rebranding) your website can be a great way to refresh your company's image and stay relevant in today's competitive market. Side Note: It is also one of my favorite things to do for my clients! I absolutely LOVE transforming my client's outdated, embarrassing websites into a client-attracting machine that they are proud to show off. Check out this case study for The Game of Nerds!...

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Why you should (or shouldn’t) revamp your website

Why you should (or shouldn’t) revamp your website

Most businesses go through a rebranding at some point, whether it's because they want to change their image or because their target audience has changed. But is rebranding always the right move? Here are three reasons why you might not want to revamp your website, and three reasons why you might want to do it. Reasons why you might NOT want to revamp your website. REASON #1: YOUR WEBSITE IS...

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The Game of Nerds – Website Revamp

The Game of Nerds – Website Revamp

Today, I’m taking you behind the scenes of the website design project I completed recently for my client Shannon Parola. Shannon is the founder of The Game of Nerds; a fandom and nerd-based site that gives fans and writers a safe place to talk and write about the things they love. They cater to all ages, genders, and everything in between. For the past eight years, she has been the one doing...

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Website Anatomy: 5 Essential Pages Every Service Provider Needs

Website Anatomy: 5 Essential Pages Every Service Provider Needs

If you’re a service provider, it is critical that you have an effective online presence. It’s no secret that a well-designed website is essential for any business’s growth and profitability. But you need a website that’s more than just pretty - it needs to be useful, and it needs to be there when people need it. A website with no pages or functionality is useless. This means that you have to...

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Karrie Stringer – Website Launch

Karrie Stringer – Website Launch

Today, I’m taking you behind the scenes of the website design project I completed for my client, Karrie Stringer. Karrie is the founder of The Simple Plan; a coaching program for overwhelmed female business owners who are fed up with chaos and confusion, all the noise and just want a simple plan to create a profitable business and get the joy back in their lives! The Problem: Karrie reached out...

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The Importance Of Having A Website (and how it can help increase revenue)

The Importance Of Having A Website (and how it can help increase revenue)

Having a website for your business isn’t a luxury - it’s a necessity. It’s the digital 'home base' that makes it possible to effectively drive in new leads, engage with your audience, increase sales, and build your business.Now, you might be thinking, “I don’t need a website… I have Facebook and Instagram!” But here’s the truth: it’s not enough to just hang out on social media. Many people take...

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you design a business you love.

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This blueprint guides you through the essential steps to create a polished online presence that attracts clients and boosts conversions.