How to be THE EXPERT in your field

I’m sure you see this all the time, “You need to establish yourself as the expert”… but HOW do you do that?! Keep reading to find out!! To be an expert is to have skill or knowledge in a particular field. With such a simple definition...

8 Ways to Increase Traffic & Gain More Clients

Where do your clients come from? Are they coming to you from your website or are they coming through social media? Do you have any clients coming to you at all? One major way to get clients is through your website… But, just having a website isn’t going to...

Good Design VS Good Copy

Did you know some people believe and actually preach that ugly websites sell and that all that matters is that your copy is good? People have also argued the opposite, that as long as you have a good design you will sell like hotcakes. To be honest, there is no...

4 Important Brand Goals for your Business

Take a moment and think about the brand of your business. Try to envision all of the things you’d like to accomplish for your brand. If you’re like me, you probably have at least 10 different goals you immediately think of that you’d like to accomplish, however,...