Does your website invoke emotional responses?

Does your website appeal to the emotions of your visitors? Ok, hang with me here, I’m not going to talk about all the feelings… but, a lot of times when people think about the internet, they think about technology.

When people hear that I am a web designer, they see me as a “techy type”. What they don’t realize is that the most intriguing aspect of your online business isn’t about the technology. It’s about human connections and how you can create and nurture these relationships in a virtual environment. It’s about how your website makes your visitors feel – their emotional responses to your website!

People buy emotionally, not intellectually…

Even when people think they’re making a rational decision, powerful subconscious factors can come into play. To sell effectively, we’re told to anticipate our customers’ needs, to demonstrate that we understand their problem (identify those pain points!), and to respond to clues in their body language and tone of voice. In other words, we need to be in tune with their feelings.

In the “real world”, aka offline and in person, a lot of us do this all the time. We know that if we can have an in-person conversation, and do this well, there’s a pretty good chance that we’ll close the sale or keep a happy customer.

Yet, here we are, NOT in-person. So, what does that mean for your online visitors?

Your website needs to be the next best thing to that in-person conversation with you.

Many people are researching products and services on the web making it critical that your site has maximum impact in persuading them to take the next step with YOU. This is where those feelings come in to play.

How does your website connect emotionally with your visitors?

Do they feel listened to, understood, and appreciated by your internet presence? Are you instinctively meeting their actual needs? Do your existing customers feel supported and valued when interacting with you online? Does your website invoke crucial emotional responses from your visitors?

If your website can do this, it can significantly enhance your response rates, sales, and ongoing return on your web investment.

Not sure if your website is up to par? Let’s talk about it!

Skip the overwhelm and frustration by gaining clarity on the strategy and tech needed to create a successful website (or audit your current one) with a Power Hour Breakthrough Session!

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

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