3 mindset shifts to attract your dream clients

We all start our businesses with high hopes of being successful. We dive in feet first and hope for the best… then we hear crickets.

You know deep down that you can help your clients reach their goals but they just aren’t running your way. You see other women out there killing it and you’re over there wondering what the heck you’re doing wrong…

So, what separates those who struggle to attract clients versus those who dominate attracting clients??

Spoiler alert:

❌It’s NOT learning how to put your website together

❌It’s NOT throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks

❌It’s not even how good you are…

Nope, it’s that they think + act differently.

Here are the top mindset shifts I see that make a major difference in my clients who get attract their dreams clients:


When you’re not confident in yourself or your online presence, then you’re not putting yourself out there like you know you should be which adds a layer of guilt on top of the shame and embarrassment you’re already feeling deep inside. Because of this, you’re most likely seeing inconsistent results in your business.

There are many reasons why people may not feel confident in themselves or their online presence, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many people who feel the same way. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to work on what you’re good at and focus on what makes you happy.

The more you put yourself out there, the more confident you will feel. The best way to do this is by posting about who you are, what you do, and what makes you happy. The more detail you give, the better because then people will be able to relate to you. It’s a good idea to share your projects with other people because it gives them a chance to get behind your work and support it too!


When you are wasting your precious time and energy trying to figure it all out on your own, you typically find yourself in the same spot you were in when you started. Now you’re frustrated and back to second-guessing yourself.

When you outsource/invest in yourself, you are allowing yourself to grow your business by staying in your lane and focus on your zone of genius instead of getting lost in the weeds of tech and design!


You need to have the energy, focus and headspace to give your clients great results. When you’ve got too much going on, your focus is all over the place.

When your to-do list becomes lighter and you become more focused, you’ll be less overwhelmed and finally have the space to work on things that actually matter (like client experience, marketing, and creating passive income).

These mindset shifts have helped me and my clients go from hiding to stepping into our full potential and attracting our dream clients!

You can be next.

Are you ready?

When your mindset shifts and you start showing up consistently with a clear message in YOUR voice, people will feel as if they know you and like what you have to say, which builds trust, which finally leads to booking calls and making sales.

If you want to quit wasting time, become more focused, and actually show up with confidence, Beautiful + Smart Business Branding for Service Providers was made just for you!

Inside the course, you will dive into the topics of: defining your core brand purpose; creating your client avatar and perfecting your message; deepening communication with consistency; and tapping into and empowering your true self. Each module has its own Action Plan to keep you focused and you can work at your own pace. Click here to enroll today!

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you design a business you love.

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