How To Find The “Right Fit” When Hiring A Web Designer

Do you need a website but don’t know where to start? Web designers are more than just people who make pretty websites. They are professionals who specialize in every aspect of web design, from the initial planning stages to web hosting and maintenance.

Web designing is a huge industry, there are many web designers out there, but how to find the right one?

The first thing that comes in your mind is that a web designer has to be creative, and I agree that a creative web designer is the best, but does that mean that every creative person is a good web designer?

Not necessarily! Web design is not just about creating a creative website, but an effective website.

A web design project can be a large undertaking, and while there are many steps to this process, it generally starts with an initial meeting.

During the initial meeting you will discuss details about what you are looking for, including any business goals or branding objectives.

However, not all web designers work the same way, and every process is different.

In this blog, you’ll find tips on how to choose the perfect web designer for your project.

How to choose a good web designer:

When it comes to selecting a web designer, there are many things you should be aware of. You need someone who is honest, reliable, and has the skills to do the work.

Your first impression is 90% of your success. Make sure you are choosing a web designer who fits your personality. It should be someone who is easy to work with and has a sense of humor.

For your project to be successful, you need a good working relationship with your designer. Someone who is able to understand your needs and make suggestions about how to achieve your goals.


To make things easier when you are searching for a web designer, make a list of the required things that you want in your website. Make sure that you have a clear picture of what you want to do in your website. This will give you a better idea of the kind of things you are looking for and what are the qualities that you want to look for.

When it comes to choosing a web designer, there are three main things you should be looking for: Creativity, Communication, and Cost.


This refers to the ability of the designer to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to your problems. Some designers are more creative than others. 

Good designers have an artistic eye, but they also know when to draw upon their technical knowledge to solve problems creatively.

When you hire a web designer, you are hiring someone who has an enormous amount of knowledge and experience. Unfortunately, there are many designers out there who are more interested in “design” than they are about selling your product or service.

Design is important but it is only one of the ingredients that go into making something a success. Look for a designer who also has the skill set to help you strategically achieve your goals.

A good web designer will help you to create a website that is easy to use, is responsive so it looks great on any device, and provides a great user experience.


Be sure to check out their portfolio before you sign on with them to see what the designer has done for other clients. Review their work so you know what they’re capable of and see examples of your desired web design style.

Make sure you explore a few portfolios and testimonials in detail before making your decision because each person has different strengths and weaknesses.


A good web designer will also have good communication skills, including the ability to explain technical concepts clearly to non-technical people.

Since you will be paying for the work, communication is of the utmost importance. You need to make sure that the person you are working with not only understands what you want but that they can clearly communicate it back to you and turn it into reality. If they can’t do this, they should immediately be eliminated from further consideration.

A good web designer will take the time to make sure they understand your needs and goals and that you understand their process.

To make choosing the best designer to work with easier, here are some questions you should ask when interviewing a web designer:

  • How did you get started designing websites?
  • How long have you been designing websites?
  • What experience do you have with clients like me?
  • What is your typical client base like?
  • Do you have a portfolio I can see?
  • What platform(s) do you use?
  • What does your process look like from start to finish?
  • What is the investment?


Depending on your website needs, you should expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 with the average cost to get a business website up and running being about $3,000.

Many web designers charge by the project and every web designer has their own factors for determining pricing such as the number of pages, functionality, customizations, etc.

A good web designer will be happy to give you an honest assessment of what it would cost to get the type of website you are looking for.

However, this typically doesn’t include ongoing maintenance. Website maintenance plans can range from $50 to $200 per month, depending on the size of the website, the amount of content being added and the response time needed.

Where to find a web designer:

When looking for a professional designer, you will want to hire someone who has experience with your type of web design project, not only it will make the process go much more smoothly, the end result will be better. 

As usual, word of mouth is the best recommendation you will ever get so if you know anyone who has recently hired a web designer, ask them for a recommendation.

Some other options are:

  • Ask your local chamber of commerce or business association for a referral
  • Ask in Facebook Groups for recommendations
  • You can also consider me for your web design needs

Final Thoughts:

Web designers are important. Without a good one, your site may end up looking awful and you’ll have a hard time getting the results you desire.

A good web designer will work with you to create a client-attracting website that is strategically designed to reach your goals which, in turn, will make your business more profitable.

If you need a website designed, I would love to help you. With my signature process, we can have your website up and running in as little as one day!

Book a free, no-obligation Website Success Call to learn how a VIP Design Experience can transform your website!

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