4 Places Your Brand Identity Should Be Consistent

Your brand identity is the image your business portrays to the world at large. When people look at your online presence, they should know what you do and that you bring value to the market.

Your brand identity should be appealing to your target market and should be consistent in every printed piece you produce and across every online platform.

Consistency is the key to success in any field. But, when it comes to marketing, it is crucial. Being consistent helps your audience identify you as an authority in your niche and it makes them feel comfortable with you and your products.

Brand consistency is making sure that your brand values, image, and messaging is consistent across all channels. Customers appreciate it when a business has a consistent brand. In fact, consistent presentation of a brand has seen to increase revenue by 23 percent (more statistics below). 

If you want to achieve great success in marketing, then you need to make your brand identity consistent throughout all your marketing campaigns.

Let’s examine the four most important places where your brand identity should be consistent:


Your website is the first place where your brand identity should be consistent. It is here that your potential clients will get to know about you and your services. Your website should have a professional appearance and it should convey the right message to your clients.

Make sure your website has all the elements which make your customer feel comfortable with you and your services. If you are selling something online, then your website should be easy-to-read and it should have all the necessary elements like an appealing design, correct spelling and no grammatical mistakes.

On your website, brand colors, fonts, and your logo are vitally important and should reflect your brand identity. If your message is sobering and you handle tough problems, using whimsical fonts and cutesy graphics doesn’t meld with the serious issues your business handles. The opposite is also true; if your identity and mission are more light-hearted, using deep, dark colors and traditional fonts might turn people away after they make a quick judgment call.


Another important thing is to make sure your website is mobile friendly. A large percentage of internet users access websites using mobile phones and if they find it difficult to use your website on their phone, then they will simply ignore your message.


A strong brand identity can be achieved by having a presence on all the major social media sites. Not everyone in your target audience will use the same social media platform and those reasons vary widely, so it is recommended that you to post across multiple platforms to reach more of your audience.

Having a social media presence can help you establish your credibility and it will make your customers feel comfortable with you and your services. Make sure your profiles are up-to-date, complete and informative. Also, when you share relevant and useful content, you are creating brand awareness and positioning yourself as an expert in your niche.

Consistency brings recognition and also helps to build trust between you and your clients.

However, if your name, colors, and logo are different on all these platforms, when someone jumps from Facebook to Instagram, they may not think yours is the same business because the profiles look different.


When it comes to consistency, all letterheads, invoices, printed marketing pieces, and advertisements should all have the same colors, fonts, and logo as your website and your social media platforms.

This will help to create an unbroken stream of communication between your clients and prospects. If they see an ad from you with a different look and feel than your website, or different than the way you present yourself on Facebook or LinkedIn, or a different way you use Twitter, it creates visual chaos in their mind.

Consistency is important because it helps your audience feel comfortable and trusting of you.


Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is still one of the best ways to keep in touch with clients and to keep your business front of mind. The key is to be relevant with your messages and offer valuable and engaging content.

If your emails don’t look and feel like they could be coming from one source, it makes it difficult if not impossible for your readers to trust your messages. They have to recognize your voice and style in order for you to be able to persuade them to buy from you.


Don’t miss a chance to build that trust between you and your audience. Create a template that incorporates your brand colors, fonts, and logo that you can use again and again.


If you would like to learn more about how to deepen your communications with consistency, that is one of the 4 topics included in the Beautiful + Smart Business Branding for Service Providers course.

In Module Three of the course, we go way beyond bells and whistles like images and color into the nitty gritty of what gives brands staying power: consistency.

This module will teach you exactly how to make sure you’re automatically strengthening your brand with consistent communication routines and habits.

You will learn:

  • Simple techniques for “getting in touch” with your authentic voice so you magnetize ideal clients–without misrepresenting who you are
  • Top strategies for reinforcing your brand message and voice with graphics and imagery (content may be king, but it’s graphics that get them to stop and pay attention, so don’t miss this critical element)
  • The easiest (and prettiest) way to get your “brand voice” across – without saying a word and how to create a stronger connection with ideal clients, faster


So, these are the four main places where your brand identity should be consistent. If you have a clear idea about these four points, then you are on the right path to creating a strong brand identity.

  • 75% of customers desire a consistent experience, regardless of how they engage a company (through social media, in person, by phone, etc.).
  • 50% of companies say their customers expect great design and cross-channel consistency from their brand.
  • 70% of marketers say consistent branding is the most important thing to keep in mind when communicating with existing customers.

A strong and consistent brand identity will go a long way in establishing your credibility. When people are more aware of your brand and have a positive impression of it, they’re more likely to purchase from you. If your brand identity is not consistent, you will lose.

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