The #1 thing that helped me show up as the expert with confidence

When I was just starting my entrepreneurial journey, I vividly remember being scared and nervous about how I was going to make this work… I never dreamed of owning my own business but I jumped in feet first. ⠀

I felt overwhelmed and suffered from impostor syndrome big time!! I had no real idea what I was doing and found myself going in circles and never really standing out because I was trying to do what everyone else was doing rather than figuring out what made ME different…

I had no idea how to brand myself or how to convey the right personality/reputation that would attract my dream clients… heck, I wasn’t even sure who my dream client was… I wanted to help everyone!

I knew I needed an online presence that was professional looking and represented my business but I lacked clarity on my big vision… I was constantly changing my branding, changing my website, second-guessing myself, and focusing on all the wrong things…

I find that a lot of entrepreneurs tend to get stuck on consistently showing up as the expert with confidence, myself included.

I wasn’t showing up consistently or putting myself out there in a way that positioned myself as the expert. I was seriously just winging everything and hoping I would attract clients. I knew something had to change. I knew deep down that I could change the lives of others. That I could make a difference. That I could run a successful business and make my dreams come true.

So, what changed?

The #1 thing that helped me was getting super clear on my BIG vision.

When I stopped spinning my wheels and took a moment to really think about what I wanted to achieve, I was able to create a vision that was aligned with my goals and bring it to life.

Really diving deep into my business and figuring out exactly what I wanted to do and how, nailing down who I wanted to work with and what I wanted to be known for, was when I was finally able to stop making changes every 3 months and actually create an online presence that allowed me to confidently show up as the expert and attract my dream clients!

The thing is, we need to create a road map of where our business is heading and what we want to accomplish otherwise we won’t go anywhere. Your vision needs to be big enough that both the challenge and possibility of achieving it is slightly intimidating. It should be bold but achieving it needs to be a possibility in order for you to believe in it.

Having some clarity on where you’re going and what you’re doing will help you make more meaningful decisions and think more strategically when it comes to putting yourself out there.

Now that I have clarity on my vision…

🔥 I’ve created a business model that fits the way that I worked,

🔥 I’ve created a cohesive online presence that I absolutely love

🔥 Most importantly, I am able put myself out there with confidence and do more of what lights me up!

I know exactly what I stand for and what I want to accomplish with my business and I want that for you too!!

I’ve created a mini-course that will dive deep into your business so you can gain clarity on what you offer, nail your branding, and how you stand out online with confidence!

Here’s the game plan:

➡ Day 1: Values + Vision: The training starts by diving into the most important topic – YOU!! You will go through some deep discovery work to gain clarity on the very core of your brand.

➡ Day 2: Ideal Client + Reputation: Understanding who you serve and what makes you different is key for converting them into your offers. On day 2, you will nail down your ideal client and what you want to be known for.

➡ Day 3: Inspiration + Mood Board: On day 3 you will get creative by diving into what inspires you so you can create a mood board that completely represents your business.

🎉Bonus: Tying it all together: Creating a consistent online presence is the final piece of the puzzle. You will learn how to make sure your audience never doubts who you are and receive a checklist to ensure that you are creating a profitable and cohesive online presence.

If you are ready to confidently showcase your expertise, attract your dream clients and fall back in love with your business, then you won’t want to miss this training!! Enroll today for only $27!

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you design a business you love.

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