4 Important Brand Goals for your Business

Take a moment and think about the brand of your business. Try to envision all of the things you’d like to accomplish for your brand. If you’re like me, you probably have at least 10 different goals you immediately think of that you’d like to accomplish, however, it’s important to realize that you can’t accomplish them all at the same time. This is why it’s important to identify and...

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Which Mistakes Should You Avoid When Rebranding?

Kathy had loved offering her services as virtual assistant. But during a call with her mastermind group, she realized it was time to pursue her dream of becoming an author and a speaker. This meant it was time to start the rebranding process on her website and in her business. Rebranding doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. However, there are a few key missteps you’ll want to avoid to...

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The Difference Between a Refresh and a Rebrand

Betty created an online marketing software service. She loved her company but after a few years, she noticed she was losing market share. Many of her customers were being wooed away from her company and signing up with her competitors instead. So, Betty reached out to a good friend who specialized in branding. “Is it time for a rebrand?” Betty asked. Her friend explained that while Betty’s...

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3 Key Signs it’s Time to Rebrand Your Business

Sally felt like her business was in a funk. She still had clients and sales coming in so her profits were steady. But she wasn’t growing her email list or excited about creating new services. Everything felt ho-hum. When Sally reached out for some advice, it was suggested it might be time for her to rebrand her business. A rebrand is when you take a hard look at the image behind your...

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3 Questions to Ask When Creating Your Brand

I'd like for you to take a moment and think about the businesses that you purchase from. If you're like me, you buy from businesses that you like and you trust. You probably consider the people you do business with to be credible experts in their fields and you probably purchase from them because you care about them. The same rings true for your audience. Your brand is so important for many...

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Does your website invoke emotional responses?

Does your website appeal to the emotions of your visitors? Ok, hang with me here, I’m not going to talk about all the feelings... but, a lot of times when people think about the internet, they think about technology. When people hear that I am a web designer, they see me as a “techy type”. What they don’t realize is that the most intriguing aspect of your online business isn’t about the...

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Hey, I'm Tabitha!

This is my little corner of the internet where I share everything from marketing & strategy to entrepreneurship & mindset.

I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you design a business you love.

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This blueprint guides you through the essential steps to create a polished online presence that attracts clients and boosts conversions.